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Akiko Kozato

Si laurea presso la Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music e si diploma in canto lirico presso il Conservatorio di Musica “Lucio Campiani” di Mantova. Ha seguito il corso di perfezionamento per artisti del coro lirico-sinfonico del Teatro alla Scala di Milano. In seguito a questi studi Akiko Kozato si è dedica al repertorio contemporaneo confrontandosi con composizioni di autori come Luciano Berio e Cathy Berberian e interpretando partiture di affermati compositori quali, Carlo Boccadoro, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Gabriele Manca, Alessandro Solbiati, Peter Koeszeghy e altri ancora. Le sue collaborazioni vanno dalla pianista Adele D’Aronzo al chitarrista Norio Sato e al fisarmonicista Davide Vendramin, per citarne alcuni, con cui Akiko si accompagna a festival e rassegne in Italia e in Giappone.

Walter Lupi

Raffinato chitarrista di provenienza classica da sempre apprezzato in Italia e all’estero. Assiduo ricercatore di un proprio linguaggio stilistico e musicale si distingue nell’ambito del Fingerstyle per la forte impronta lirica, un’abilità esecutiva e scenica accattivanti e una tecnica pulita e rigorosa sempre al servizio delle sue composizioni. Ha pubblicato a suo nome undici dischi e due metodi didattici sulla tecnica da lui battezzata “Flatfinger”. Noto nel panorama Fingerstyle internazionale, il suo nome compare in programmi di festival e rassegne assieme a quelli di artisti del calibro di John Rembourn, Alex De Grassi, Tim Sparks, Roland Dyens, Birèli Lagrène, Dominic Miller, Stanley Giordan, Tommy Emmanuel e molti altri.


 東京芸術大学卒業、マントヴァ「ルーチョ・カンピアーニ」 国立音楽院のディプロマ取得。スカラ座合唱研究生として研鑽 を積んだ後、小里明子は、現代音楽のレパートリーに専念し、 ルチアーノ・ベリオや、キャシー・バーベリアン等の作品に取 り組み、現代クラシック音楽界の有名作曲家、カルロ・ボッカ ドーロ、ジョルジョ・コロンボ・タッカーニ、ガブリエレ・マ ンカ、アレッサンドロ・ソルビアーティ、 ペーテル・コゼギー 等に曲を献呈されている。ピアニストのアデーレ・ダロンツォ、ギタリストの佐藤紀 雄、アコーディオニストのダヴィデ・ヴェンドラミン氏等多く と共演、イタリアと日本でフェスティバルやコンサートに出演 している。

W a l t e r  Lu p i

 洗練されたギタリスト、クラッシックギターの教育を基礎にイタリア国内外で常に評価されてきたヴァルテル・ルーピは、常に自身のスタイルと音楽を熱心に研究し、フィンガー スタイル界において、その顕著な叙情性と演奏能力、魅力的な舞台、彼の作曲法に従った厳格かつ無駄のないテクニック で際立っている。今迄に9枚のアルバムをリリースし、彼のテクニックをフラットフィンガー法と命名し2冊の教本を出版している。 フィンガースタイル界において世界的にも名を知られてお り、John Rembourn、Alex De Grassi、Tim Sparks、Roland Dyens、Birèli Lagrène、Dominic Miller、Stanley Giordan、Tommy Emmanuel 等 、世界的に著名なギタリストと共に様々なフェスティヴァルに参加している。

After graduating from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Akiko Kozato received a diploma at Lucio Campiani College of Music in Mantova. She then devoted herself in studies as a research student at the Choir of Teatro alla Scala of Milan. Following those musical inquiries, she committed herself to contemporary music engaging in works of Luciano Berio or Cathy Berberian. Akiko Kozato had been dedicated songs by renowned composers in classic and contemporary music fields such as Carlo Boccadoro, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Gabriele Manca, Alessandro Solbiati, Peter Koeszeghy, and so on. She also co-starred with a pianist, Adele D’Aronzo, a guitarist, Norio Sato, an accordionist, Davide Vendramin in numerous festivals and concerts in Japan and Italy.

Highly skilled guitarist, coming from the world of the classical guitar. One of the finest players with this musical instrument, Walter Lupi boasts more than thirty years of musical activity. He has already recorded eight albums, some of these with important Label as “BMG Ricordi” (Bhakta Priya 1990 - Terra 1994) and “Acoustic Music Record” (Shorts 2000). He has participated in the main guitar festivals in europe: Italy, France, Germany, Croatia and Hungary, sharing music programs and stage with many famous names as Dominic Miller, Stanley Jordan, Sarah Jane Morris, Bireli Lagrene, Roland Dyence, Tommy Emmanuel and many other, standing out all the time for the feeling of his playing and for the neat and clean touch. After a period dedicated to the research of experimental music (Spirali 2001 and Music Experience I and II (2004 / 2006), Walter Lupi’s latest release Zumiè (2007) and Sulle Corde dell’Anima (2008), enhances even more these qualities.

Festival and Participations

5 Giornate per la Nuova Musica (Milano)
Spaziomusica (Cagliari)
Risuonanze 2012 e 2013 (Udine e Trieste)
Festival di Bellagio e del lago di Como (Bellagio)
Festival di musica contemporanea di Acqui Terme (Acqui Terme) Hal’s - All Star Guitar Festival - Rijeka (Croatia)

Festival “Regola, gioco” 2000 (al Piccolo Teatro di Milano)

Teatro Villoresi (Monza)
Teatro Franco Parenti (Milano)
Teatro Arcimboldi (Milano)

Nanko Sunset Hall (Osaka)

Tinsagu Japan Tour - karuizawa - Tokyo - Ishigaki - Kobe (Japan)

Festival and Participations

The International Guitar Festival - A.D.G.P.A. (Italy)
Acoustic Franciacorta - Franciacorta (Italy)
Acoustic Guitar International Meeting - Sarzana (Italy)

Galliate Master Guitar Festival - Novara (Italy)
Festival Internazionale di Chitarra - Menaggio (Italy)
Soave Guitar Festival - Soave (Italy)
Festival Guitare Issoudun - Issoudun (France)
Les Automnales Guitar Festival - Ballainvilliers (France)
Nuit de la Guitare de Douai - Douai (France)
Dunkerque Guitar Picking Festival - Dunkerque (France)
Queen Elizabeth Hall - London (UK)
Open Strings Festival - Osnabrück (Germany)
Hal’s - All Star Guitar Festival - Rijeka (Croatia)
VIII. International Acoustic guitar Tour 2009 - (Hungary)
Blues Sotto le Stelle Ed. 2012 - Aquila (Italy)
Acquario in Jazz Ed. 2014 - Cosenza (Italy)
Tinsagu Japan Tour - karuizawa - Tokyo - Ishigaki - Kobe (Japan)

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